Simple chicken curry ~ cookhomey

Simple chicken curry



This is a very simple recipe. when I started  to making recipes at home this is first recipe that 

I prepared in chicken which is easily prepared and tasty too. At home my mother used to prepare 

Mangalore style chicken so I always used to have that taste but when i prepared this one everybody

liked it very much at my home's.I have learnt this recipe from online channel only.


• 1/2 kg chicken

• 3-4 onion make it as puree

• 3-4 tommoto make it as puree

• ½ inch ginger-5-6 garlic paste

• 1 Table spoon of cumin powder, 1 Table spoon of coriander powder ,

           1 Table spoon of red chili powder , pinch of turmeric powder, 1 Tsble spoon of  garam masala


• Salt as per taste


Steps for preparation

• First take a medium pot and add some oil into it then add ginger-garlic paste into it once it

            became brown then add onion puree

• Fry till became golden brown then add tomato puree into it .mix it together properly and fry till

            leaves its fragrance then

• Add all the powder that is mentioned in the ingredients then mix it well then add chicken into it

         close the pot

• Let them all cook properly then add water as per your  choice as gravy how much u want it

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